ለሀገር | Lehager
አባቶቻችን በብዙ ድካም በደምና በአጥንት ያስረከቡንን ነጻ ሀገራችንን በአንድነት ጠብቀን ወደሚቀጥለው ትውልድ የማስተላለፍ ኃላፊነታችንን በጋራ እንወጣ። Let us join our hands to defend our country, which our fathers and mothers protected and passed to us with enormous sacrifices.
About us
Lehager is an advocacy group that seeks to elevate the voices of the people of Ethiopia who matter the most in the movement to promote Ethiopia’s interest and national security. We advocate for peace, rule of law, justice, equality, humanity, national tranquility, and wellbeing of Ethiopia and its people. We aim to work towards ensuring that Ethiopians have a strong and meaningful partake and presence in their country’s affairs to keep our country safe, thriving, and strong.
Join us, be a strong voice to your country!
አባቶቻችን ሀገራቸውን ሊደፍር የመጣን ጠላት ለመመለስ ሆ ብለው በአንድነት የዘመቱት በዚህ መልኩ ነበር። ዛሬም በብዙ ፈተና የተከበበች ሀገራችንን ለመታደግ በአንድነት መነሳት ይኖርብናል። በጋራ ለሀገራችንን ጥሪ ምላሽ እንስጥ። This is how our forefathers marched together to push back the enemy who had invaded their country. Today, it is time for us to stand together and save our country, which is facing many challenges. Let’s respond to our country’s call together.